Part 1 Kingdom Manor “Laurie you know knocking any louder won’t work if no one is here right?” “Ripley said he was going to be here!” Laurie bangs her head on the door. “Banging your head won’t work either” Luke grins at her. “Shut up,” Laurie said as she pulls out her phone and dialed his number they both soon hear a ringing. “Do you hear that?” Laurie asked him as they look around. “My vision is messed up Laurie, not my hearing,” Luke said as he tried to listen closer, “I think it’s coming from over here. Both Laurie and Luke make their way over to a tree in the front yard. Luke picks up a phone. “That’s Ripley's phone, but there is no Ripley attached to it” Laurie takes it from Luke, while Luke looks up at the sees web on the tree. “Is web supposed to be this thick and tough?” Luke tries to shake it off his hand. “Laurie?” Preston comes up behind them. “Preston!” Laurie grabs her and hugs her tight “It’s so good to see you big sis!” she said. “Okay let me go, it’s good to see you too I guess” Preston forces a smile. “Now, where is Ripley, I’ve been trying to call his phone, but I can’t get an answer,” Preston said as she pulled out her phone and dialed his number. The phone beings to ring and Laurie lifts it up. “We just found it here,” Laurie said as Preston’s phone begins to ring. “Hello,” she answers it, “Ridger where is Rip…” Preston falls silent, “Okay we'll be there!” Preston hangs up the phone. “Come on Ripley is in the hospital” they all jump into her car and Preston speeds there. Fallen Oaks Hospital Preston, Laurie, and Luke make it to the hospital, “Guys over here!” They see Ridger waiting by Ripley's room. “He's here” he leads them in where they see Lucy watching him along with Maze. “Who are you,” Preston says as she points at Maze, “I know who you are, Lucy. It’s nice to see you again” Preston said with a fake smile. “I didn’t know you were Ripley’s sister, and this is Maze” she smiles at him, “Okay, this reunion is awkward what happened to Rip, I’m his sister, his younger sister” Laurie goes to shake their hands. “Nice to meet you, and Ripley was found by Mr. Ridger over there” Maze pointed to him while he just smiles nervously Laurie looks at him and Maze. “Okay, you two are lying, but we’ll deal with that later,” Laurie said as she goes to check on Ripley she stands on the other side of his bed while Preston stands on the other. “Is he going to be okay?” Preston asked. “Yes, he just needs some rest. While don’t we give you a moment” Lucy ushers everyone out of the room. “How did you know they were lying?” Preston asked him. “I just know, like I know you were lying when you said you were happy to see me” Laurie looks away. “Look we can talk about this later, let’s just focus on Rip,” Preston says as Ripley begins to open his eyes and tries to speak. “Rip, it’s okay we’re here” Laurie and Preston grab his hands while they try to make out what he was saying. “What is he saying?” Laurie asked. “I don’t know” Preston leans in. “Embrace…” “I think he said embrace,” Preston says as Ripley's eyes burst open and he squeezes their hands, they both try to break away but his hold only grows stronger. “Ripley” Preston said as she tries to break free. Both of their eyes wander to his and his eyes glow. Both Preston and Laurie begin to have flashes seeing creatures, monsters. Ripley finally let’s go of them. “What was that?” Laurie says as Preston just rubs her hands. “I don’t know,” Preston said as Laurie began to feel sick. “I gotta go to the bathroom,” Laurie rushes out of the room and runs pass, Luke. “Laurie?” Luke goes after her while Lucy sees something on the ground, it looked like a strange feather, black and glowing a pinkish color. “What is this?” She picks it up, and she soon is taken into a vision. She finds Laurie and Preston in corners of a room. “Preston” she goes to touch her but she feels cold, and then she finds something hovering over Laurie. She looks up to see some type of Shadow Monster, with feathers and some bird face shaped by shadows. It claws at her and she jumps back. It then lands on its legs and wraps its shadowed wings around Laurie. Both Laurie and the monster glare at Lucy before she awakens from her vision. “What happened?” Maze asked her. “Laurie…” Lucy leaps up and runs after her and Luke. Luke makes it to the women's bathroom where Laurie has locked herself in. “Laurie, are you okay?” He knocks on the door. He hears nothing, he looks down to see feathers on the ground. Laurie looks at herself in the mirror, where she hears something in her ear. Telling her to embrace, give in, and let go. She looks at her hands, she sees feathers growing out of them. A shadow appears around. Shaped like a bird, and grabs her and all the lights in the hospital go out for a split second. “Laurie!” Luke barges in and Lucy comes in behind him. They see the mirror broken, and glass on the ground. They soon hear a scream as they look out a broken window to see something flying in the sky casting a shadow. Part 2
Luke and Lucy just watch as the creature flies through the sky. The creature sends chills through the air, but they also notice the feathers falling from its shadowed wings. “What the hell is going on!” Luke turns to Lucy. “I’ll explain later, but first we gotta go and save your girlfriend” Lucy rushes out of the bathroom. “Does that thing have her!?” Luke rushes behind her, “And she is not my girlfriend”. Both of them make it outside where they see people picking up the feathers, the feathers begin to emit a pinkish shadowy glow. “What in the hell?” Lucy said as a woman picked up one of the feathers her eyes become engulfed in shadow and her eyes glow a darkish pink. She turns to man to leaps on top of him Lucy runs over to them and pulled her off of him, but then the man pushes her to the wall choking her. His eyes were glowing as well, Lucy began to lose focus until Luke comes and knocks the man over the head with a rock. “You’re welcome, now what the hell is wrong with these people?” Luke looks to see people attacking each other as if they were in Lust. “This must be her monsters powers,” Lucy said as she finds a feather on the ground she goes to pick it up. “I don’t think you should touch that,” Luke said to her. “It’s okay, I’m immune to monsters abilities” Lucy touches it and she sees the creature flying through the sky it was heading in the direction of the of a tower. “I know where she’s going” Lucy stands up while Luke turns her around. “What the hell is going on here?” Luke asked her again, “And where the hell is Laurie?” Lucy could tell Luke was frantic, but trying his best to keep calm. “The same thing happening to Ripley is the same thing happening to her” “What?” “Ripley turned into a Monster, and the same thing just happened with Laurie, but she’s emerged faster than he did, and she is already causing damage” Lucy pulled out her keys “I’ll explain more after we find her” they both run to her car and get in. Fallen Oaks Tower Lucy and Luke follow the trail of shadowed feathers to the Fallen Oaks Tower. “Wow that’s tall, I’m surprised I didn’t notice it when we drove here” Luke admires the tower, and he senses something coming from it. “Legend has it that the tower is not really here, well not really here in our world” Lucy goes to the main entrance while Luke just stares at a window. He sees the monster moving around, shaking its wings and letting it feathers float off into the wind. “So are you going to tell me more about these Monsters,” Luke asked her as they both go up the stairs. “All I can say is that be careful what you embrace” Lucy stops talking as Luke ponders what she said. They make it to the top of the tower, where they see a huge bell hanging from the ceiling. “Now, how the hell did we not notice that?” Luke admires it. “It’s marvelous” he whispers to himself as Lucy just looks at him. “History major, the paranormal history that is. I’ve read about this bell in books” he tries to remember what the page said, “Ring the bell, and bring on the things that lurk in the dark…” “But beware because the things that lurk in the dark are never far, as the darkness is everywhere…” Lucy finishes the passage as she notices the bell swinging by itself. They both look up to see the Monster looking at them. It was covered in shadow, but it still had beauty, its wings were enormous, but its face resembled a bird, but shaped by white mist, white shadow. “Laurie, if that’s you in there it’s Luke,” he said as the monster leaps down in front of him. Its empty, shadowed eyes send a shock down his soul. Lucy just watches them as she sees thin pieces of web on the floor. “Oh no,” Lucy said as something yanks both her and Luck out of the tower window swinging them in the air. “What happened?” Luke screamed as Lucy scans the area. “We’re in trouble” Lucy looks down to see a group of spiders crawling over a body. Something emerges, “Deb?” Lucy said as the spider monster looks at them both getting ready to strike them until something cuts them down. Both of them scream, but before they hit the pavement something catches them and lowers them on the ground. They see the shadow bird monster hovering in the air it lets out a scream as the spider monster looks up. “Looks like we're not in trouble anymore,” Luke looks up. “No, the trouble is only beginning” Lucy looks over to see Deb standing by a car, but Lucy does not see her shadow, but the shadow of her monster.
Ripley comes to, and he’s in a large room. It’s dripping with some type of ooze all over the walls, he notices something moving out of the corner of his eye. He noticed it had a long scales as skin and a sharp tail, he can hear it breathing and growling. He sees it run behind a wall, he can see it’s red eyes peeking out while it claws dug into the wall. He could tell just by its peaking head that the size and length that it’s larger than a bear and as long as a car. It didn't stand tall, it was hunched over, its head long with the end of it shaping into a sharp horn. Ripley took notice to its back, he could see holes which looked like they were about to sprout something.
“Embrace the darkest part of your soul, unleash your monster” Ripley hears a voice. “Who is that!?” He takes a step back as the creature comes from behind the wall, Ripley was then able to admire it in its full terror, in its full glory they lock eyes as the creature brushes up against him. Ripley then feels something take over him, he sees a little girl playing in the corner. He recognizes her, “Lucy, what are you doing here?” he calls out to her. “He’s coming to hurt me again,” she says as the creature begins to growl at something hiding in the shadows. Lucy looks as a man comes out and punches her in the face and then proceeds to beat her with a belt. “Stop” Ripley faintly says, but he keeps going and Lucy just sits there taking it. “Embrace the dark, unleash it” the voice comes back as the man throws Lucy to a wall, that is the point when Ripley’s eyes change, they become red like the creature. The creature then runs past Ripley and attack the man mauling and ripping him apart. The creature opens its mouth and a large spike pierces through his head and Lucy sits up untouched. She smiles and appears next to him. “Thank you for embracing” she hugs him before vanishing. Ripley wakes up next to the tree, he jumps “Ridger” he pulls out his phone as he begins to dial 911, but before he could press send he feels something happen to his body. He starts to feel something take over him, his eyes become a dark red and his skin turns velvet black. He cries out as scales begin to form over his skin, his body begins to grow and change as he becomes the creature from his dream, he screams as he leaps up into the sky. Lucy’s Office Lucy is working on a story when she receives a phone call, “Hello” Lucy said while typing on her computer. “You might want to head to that little place you and Deb used to hang out,” a familiar voice says to her on the phone. “Patrick? What? Why?” she stands up frantically. “A new monster has awakened, and I can feel him. Also, the streets have been talking Deb has gone off the deep end” Patrick hangs up while Lucy takes out her phone and rushes out of her office. Abandoned Community Center Ridger wakes up hanging from the ceiling, “What the fuck” he says to himself trying to move, but he feels his whole body tightly restrained by some type of web. “Help!” he screams out only to be swung into a wall, he spits out blood as he sees a large group of spiders crawling on the floor. Ridger begins to panic, he freezes up as the spiders start to make way for something larger coming through. He looks up to see it was a large humanoid spider, he noticed its face and it looks so familiar to him. The spider creature leaps to the wall and begins to crawl to him it moves slowly until it's right in his face. “Kill” it whispers to him as it stabs him with one of its legs in his shoulder. “Please,” Ridger says as he closes his eyes ready for the creature to strike until something tackles it off the ceiling and onto the ground. Ridger opens his eyes to see an alien-like creature attacking the spider. It growls as black and red ooze comes out of its mouth. It tackles the spider creature again, stabbing it in the chest. The spider throws it to the wall and strikes with its fang. The alien creature screams out in pain as it cowers back, the spider rushes it, pinning it against the wall, but the alien opens its mouth realizing a sharp horn and it goes through the spider’s shoulder, cutting off one of its legs. The alien looks up at Ridger and jumps up, latching onto the ceiling, it looks him in the eyes Ridger was scared at first until he noticed something, “Ri...Ripley?” he said as the alien creature cuts him down and gently lets him down on the ground, but it soon falls from the ceiling, crashing through a display. Ridger breaks free from the web and runs to it, “Ripley, hang on,” he said as the spider creature tosses him like a ragdoll across the room. The spider creature slowly makes its way to him, but something stops it. Ridger looks to see something sticking out of its body, it was the tail of the alien creature the spider creature doesn’t even react, it just tosses it over Ridger crashing through a wall. The spider then rushes them only for Lucy to jump in and blocks its way. “Debb! No!” Lucy tries to talk to the spider, but it just hissed at her. “Are you really gonna hurt me, Debb?” Lucy screams at it only for it to retreat into the darkness and runs away. “Lucy Quan? What the hell is going on!?” Ridger panics as looks to the Alien Monster slowly transform back to Ripley. “Ripley” Ridger looks at his body to see where he was stabbed. “He’s most likely paralyzed, Debb’s monster can do that, but I’m shocked to see he held his own” Lucy said as she takes off her coat and uses it cover Ripley's body. “Monster!?” Ridger was trying to keep up, but his mind was everywhere. “We need to get out of here, Deb may be gone, but her children aren't” Lucy looks to see various black widow spiders coming out from all corners of the room. “Wait, you know what that monster was?” Ridger was trying to piece everything together. “It wasn’t a monster, look it’s complicated!,” Lucy yells as she and Ridger help Ripley up, as they leave Ridger looks around and sees the damage caused. “Are you sure it’s not a monster?” he said as they leave, but as they leave the spiders to start to crawl back to the corners as Deb steps out of a room missing an arm. She screams as a new arm pops out of the socket, then she disappears. Abandoned Warehouse “Another one for the morgue” Devtive Jeckle says as he pulls a sheet over a dead body. “Was this one mauled like Mulford?” A young woman walks onto the scene and she just pulls off the sheet aggressively. “I see you have no respect for the dead” Jeckle chuckled. “Respect? For this piece of shit? I’ll pass, but I almost feel for her” the woman turns to Jeckle digging her heels into the ground, “This was one of Mulford’s suppliers, I was just on my way bust her” she smiled at Jeckle as she kicks dirt on the body. “I’m shocked you beat Lucy Quan to this” he said. “I would say she’s out celebrating, but knowing her I doubt that. If she does show tell her to give the police chief a call” she walks away as Jeckle just idols the body. “I should have stayed in Haven” he said as he notices a rather large spider crawl into a sewer hatch. “Yep, should have stayed there” he walks away. “Keep unauthorized personnel out of this building,” a police officer says as more officers clear a crowd away from Mulford's office. Lucy Quan makes her way through the crowd, “Lucy over here!” the officer waves to her.
“Maze, how bad is it?” She asked him. “Bad, but you knew that didn’t you?” he looks at her. “I wouldn’t have asked if I did” she looks at him eyeing a broken window on the third floor. She looks down to see a small black spider crawling on the wall behind Maze. Lucy nods and rushes up the stairs. She comes to Mulford's office where it’s blocked off, she notices a necklace on the ground, it has the letter D on it “Deb” she sighs. Lucy takes a deep breath and touches it and her eyes glow, she sees Deb going into Mulford's office. “Who are you?” someone calls out to her shocking her, but she clutches onto the necklace and stashes it into her pocket. “I said, who are you?” she stands up to see a man in a long trench coat. “I’m Lucy Quan, head journalist, and field reporter for Fallen Oaks Media. I was working on the Mulford case until the judge let him go” she said as he just glares at her. “I’ve heard of you, and I bet you’re happy he’s dead,” the man said to her. “I wanted the bastard brought to justice not dead,” Lucy said as she sees another spider. “It’s still Justice isn’t it?” he asked her. “No, he died an innocent man in the eyes of the law and the people, that’s not what I call Justice,” she said to him as she walks into Mulford's office. She covers her nose to avoid the intoxicating smell, “My God” she looks all over the office and sees web covering the walls. She steps on something, it was like she was stepping on rubber. She looks down “Oh my god” she turns her head quickly stopping herself from throwing up as she sees Debs skin on the floor. “That’s not even the worst part” the man walks in behind her and points her over to the corner. Lucy goes to the corner to see Mulford’s mauled body covered in web. She can’t look, as she can see the horror in his eyes, but she does not feel sorry for him, but at the same time she does not feel any relief. “We found Mulford’s computer, a lot of interesting and sickening evidence one might say enough to get him to put in prison or on the electric chair”. “It wasn’t enough or else he would be rotting and dying in prison instead of here” she goes over to see a broken flash drive and she notices Mulford’s printer was used and his computer was connected to it. “Have you guys examined the computer yet?” she asked. “Nah, but someone left the password and everything for us to find,” he said to her. “Thank you…” “Detective Jeckle, I was just moved here and this was my very first assignment, nice welcoming gift” he chuckled as Lucy rushes to the door. “Keep me informed, I work with Officer Maze” she takes out a phone. “What monster could have done this?” the detective asked himself as Lucy paused. “It wasn’t a monster” she leaves and the door closes behind her as the detective looks at Mulford's body again. “Are you sure it wasn’t a monster?” he said as a spider crawls from out of Mulford’s mouth. Vincent King Radio Station “Alright guys it’s hitting midnight, and I want to leave you all with these beautiful words which can only be translated through song. I am Ripley Stephens and goodnight…” Ripley plays, Fly Me To The Moon as he puts down his headset and smiles at a picture. He almost cries, but he soon hears a knock on his door he pulls himself together “Come in” he clears his face as two people walk in. “Ripley is it okay if Ridger uses your set for the night, his is still under construction,” an old woman says as Ripley just rolls his eyes. “Whatever, just don’t mess anything up and leave it how you found it” Ripley shoves Ridger out of the way while Ridger just nods at the old woman and rushes out to follow Ripley. “Rip wait!” he grabs him. “What do you want Ridger?” Ripley avoids eye contact with him. “So, I’m back at Ridger now?” he says disappointedly. “Pretty much yeah” “You’re acting like, I let that bastard go!” Ridger said to him, “I know what happened to your cousin, and if I could have stopped it I would have, but me interviewing that monster did not have a hand in it” he takes a deep breath while Ripley just ignores him leaving the hallway. Ripley makes it to his car where he notices he has four missed calls, “What is it Laurie?” he says to himself as he cranks up and drives away. Lucy & Debs Apartment “Maze, I just don’t know why she would do this?” Lucy paces herself around her living room. “Maybe she slipped for a moment” Maze tries to calm her down. “Mattie, the last time she slipped up like this, she didn’t kill someone. I mean if you could have only seen what she did to his body, it was horrific” Lucy covers her eyes recalling what she saw in Mulford's office. “I would have liked to” Maze cracked his knuckles. “Mattie….” “No, Lucy, she did what countless others wanted to do, kill a pedophile!” “That doesn’t make it right” she pulls her long black hair back while taking a deep breath “And the people out there don’t even know the limits or the cost Deb possibly paid by doing that” Lucy looks at him pausing. “What the hell would have we done then, Lucy!? The evidence we had should have been enough to have him locked away for life, but he got off. Who knows how many other children he would have gotten to if she had not killed him” Maze tries to fight back tears. As Lucy gets up to hug him. “I know” Lucy said to him, “But I still gotta find her and figure out what she printed off his computer. Knowing Deb, it can’t be good” Lucy lets him go. “I can help” “No, I’ll call when I need you, but until then let me handle this” Lucy said as she pulls out Debs necklace and she clutches it. Fallen Oaks Park “You can’t be mad at him forever Ripley” Preston, his sisters says as she tosses a ball back to a child. “He should have never interviewed that sick bastard” Ripley said as he checked his phone. “It’s his job, and you’re acting like he let him go” Preston said as Ripley just tucked his phone back into his pocket. “Look, I know how close you were to this case, but Ridger was only doing his job” Preston said as she noticed a young child venturing off. “Hey, Pete stay where I can see you!” she said as Ripley just took a deep breath. “I’m just so pissed that he got off and is walking around this town free” Ripley said while Preston looked at him confused. “What?” “Didn’t you hear?” she asked him as she pulls out her phone, Ripley takes it from her and reads headline, Mulford Mauled by Wild Animal in Office. “It’s been all over the news, there were some pics showing his body whatever it was ripped him a new one, literally” Preston said as Ripley just read the article. “What he deserves” Ripley said as he noticed Pete go into the center. “Hey, I’ll be right back, Pete wandered into the center” Ripley gets up and goes after him. “Thank you Rip” Preston said as she tosses another ball. In the center, Ripley was moving inside it very carefully as it was under construction. Ripley finds Pete standing in a doorway, “Pete what are you doing in here?” Ripley picked him up, but noticed that he was pointing at something, he looks to see that it’s a mirror. Ripley puts him down and looks into it taking a deep breathe. He looks to see his reflection, but the lights begin to flicker on and off and Ripley looks away from it for a quick moment, but as soon as he looks back he sees some type of black creature looking back at him. It’s mouth dripping saliva, its eyes glowing red, Ripley could not look away as he examined the creature more. It had a large tail, and it’s skin looked like armor with scales, it’s head was large and its mouth full of teeth. The lights flicker again and the creature is gone from the mirror. “Pete! Ripley!” Preston enters the building calling them. Ripley picks up Pete and leaves. “Sorry it took so long, I thought I saw something” Ripley said as Pete just smiled at him and ran back off to play with the other kids. Ripley could not get the image of the creature out of his head. It felt like he was looking at himself. “Are you okay?” Preston asked him. “Yeah, I’m fine, hey I gotta go and get ready for Laurie to come” Ripley said to Preston. “Oh that’s right she is arriving today” Peston said as she rolled her eyes. “She’s our sister” Ripley said to her. “Half-sister, and why is she coming here, miss accepted into 5 HBCUs” she said sarcastically. “For school and to be with us, mom and dad want it this way, what time will you be home?” Ripley asked her as he takes out his keys. “I have an audition, so I’ll be home late tonight hopefully she will be asleep by the time I come home” Preston smiled aggressively then frowned. “WE’LL see you at home” Ripley hugged her and got in his car and drove away. Kingdom Manor Ripley arrives home and he sees Ridger sitting on his doorstep, “Ridger” Ripley begins to speak, but before he could say anything else Ridger stops him mid-sentence. “Look, I’m sorry for doing the interview, but I never meant to give that sicko any positive notes, Nora, persuaded me to do it, saying it would be best and that everyone deserves a chance to defend themselves and…” before he is able to conclude his thought Ripley stops him. “I understand, I got some perspective and was able to think about it, you were only doing your job. I was the one not being professional” Ripley sits down on the porch and Ridger sits next to him. “That’s what makes you so great, you put emotion in your work” “Yeah, but sometimes we need to take the emotion out of it to see things clearly” Ripley takes a deep breath and looks at the sky. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you,” Ripley says as Ridger puts his hand on top of his. “No need to be sorry” Ridger says as he leans in. “This isn’t one of those types of moments Ridge” Ripley chuckles as Ridger just grins, but then something hits Ripley's thought pattern “Wait did you say Nora convinced you to do the interview?” Ripley said as Ridger just nodded and began to speak, but something yanks him away into the sky. He screams, “What the hell!?” Ripley was caught off guard as he noticed a string of thick web on the ground. He then starts to see red as he leaps up into the air. Landing on the roof, he sees Ridger being wrapped in a web by some large and gigantic spider-like monster. “Ripley run!” he hears Ridger speak before his mouth is covered in web. “Let him go!” Ripley jumps into the air only for the spider monster to throw a branch at him knocking him into the trunk of a thick tree and landing on the ground. The creature then leaps away taking Ridger with it. Mulford wakes up in his chair restrained by something, he can barely see, but he sees something crawling all over his desk. As he finally regains his vision, he sees that it’s various types of spiders. He gasps trying to jump up out of his chair forgetting that he was still restrained.
“Stop trying to move” he hears Debbe behind him who places her hand on his shoulder caressing his back. “What do you want money? However much you want I got it” Mulford says nervously as all the spiders on his desk turn to him. “Dinner, I want dinner” Debbe goes to sit on his desk. “Fine, I know the best restaurants in town” Mulford is able to get his hand free. “Is that where you take them first?” she runs her fingers through her hair as more spiders crawl onto the desk. Mulford sees her fingers are shaped strangely. “Answer me,” she says calmly. “Who the hell are you talking about?” He asked her as he got another hand free and goes for a gun behind his back. “The kids, those innocent kids,” she says as if she was about to cry, then Mulford just smiles at her as he chuckled. “Do you really wanna know?” “Yes,” she whispers in his ear as she presses her body against his. “To my room…” he says calmly as he pulls out his gun and shoots her in the chest and then swings her into the chair. “You should have stayed out of this,” he said as he saw the spiders trying to crawl on him, but he stomps on them continuously. Then he aims the gun at her and fires more rounds into her chest. He smirks, “Shame if you were a few years younger we could have had some fun” he turns and goes to his door only for him to be stopped. He felt something on the back of his body. “That hurt” he looks out the corner of his eye to see Debbe sitting in the chair with her legs crossed and something coming out of her fingers. She stands up and then yanks him back into a chair. “How can you sleep at night, with your wife in the same bed?” Debbe asked him. “I just do, hey if the fags can fuck whoever they want why not me?” he laughs with such confidence. “See when you’re powerful, you can do what you want, you can be a monster and walk in the daylight and people are so damn influenced all you need is just a few 100 to believe you and you’re safe, and nice trick with these little spiders” he laughs. “I was going to let you live,” she said as Mulford tried to move his arms, but two spiders bit him paralyzing his arms. He once again gets nervous. “You can’t scare a monster, I know why you’re here what I did to that girl and her pathetic big brother, I’ll do it again if I could. Oh wait I have” he grins “You don’t have the guts to kill me, see little girls like you can’t kill a monster,” he said as he licks his lips, “But I can destroy you” “You said you’re a monster?” she asked him. “I’m a monster, and I love it. What I did that girl is something I plan to do to all girls and you can’t stop me” he said as he kicks her into the desk making her fall to the ground, he stands up cracking his arms ignoring the posison from the spider bites as he goes to grab her neck. “You know what I’m going to do, I’m going to go to the hospital and finish that little brat off, but you know what I might bring him back here and make you watch” he punches her in the face and kicks her in the stomach, but all she can do is laugh as her eyes become dilated. She raises her hand and smacks his face causing a deep bruise. “No you’re not a monster, you’re just a scared little man who got a taste of power” she stands up as she takes his arms and breaks them both. “See, you only think you’re a monster. Someone gave you a little potion and you think it makes you one. It doesn’t” she smiles at him. He falls back into his chair as she goes to get onto his lap. She breaks his arms back into place using inhuman strength and forces him to feel on her she licks her lips as he stares at her in fear. “Do you wanna see a real monster?” She smiles baring her teeth which are now fangs. She drops his arm as her bone retreats from her skin, leaving him staring in amazement and fear. “See a real monster knows they’re in control” 4 pairs of sider legs emit from her back as her face become empty like a mask as she continues to sheds her skin like a cocoon. “You still wanna offer me that dinner” she laughs and grins “Well, here is the plot twist to this monster story…” her empty skins falls off of his body as he looks at it in terror. He sees her crawl all over the walls, he was shaking, all his confidence gone, as he looks up to see her, he sees a red marking on her back as she hung from the ceiling. She smiles at him baring her teeth as she slowly says “You are dinner” she sends out long strings of web pulling up to her as he screams, blood splatters on the desk as he falls onto it knocking over his phone and landing on the floor. He slowly crawls to it as Debbe lands on the ground, he begins to dial a number but before he could finish she pulls him back into a shadowed corner of his office and a crunch is heard. “This is just in today, Donald Mulford will not be charged with rape of 13-year-old Carr Maze and the death and rape of 10 year Gracy Moore. This decision has come to a shock to many who were really certain that the former Policemen and Mayor Nominee would go down. When asked about the outcome of the trial, Mulford was quoted that “The people knew who to believe the judge and the jury were in my favor and so was God. I hope that they do find the real monster responsible for this tragedy, and I send nothing but prayers to Maze’s family” That was a direct quote from Mulford, my opinion on this case is that it’s just like many others power trumps evidence. Hearts are broken, but to the supporters of Mulford, this is just another victory celebration. I’m Lacy Quan coming at you from channel 5 news”
Mulfords Office “I don’t give a damn, get that rice picking jap bitch off the news” Mulford slams his phone down as he opens a drawer and takes out a computer. He types in a password and numerous videos come up he clicks on one and it’s a video of him in a room with four young children. He smiles as he unzips his pants, but he hears a knock on his door. “Shit,” he says to himself as he slams his computer shut. “Come in,” he says as calm as he can and a young woman walks in. “I’m sorry, I thought everyone was gone for the evening, I was told to drop some papers off in your office” she smiles at as she fixes her glasses and plays with her brunette hair. “It’s okay, I’ll take those from you” he smiles at her and she blushes, she begins to walk out but stops and turns around to look at him. “Can I ask you a question?” she sits down across from him at his desk. “Yes, Miss…” “Devorah, Debbe Devorah” she smiles at him as something crawls on her shoulder. “Oh let me get that” he leans across his desk and swats a small spider off of her. “Oh my god, thank you I’m super allergic to spiders” she flips her hair back making him nervous. “Your question?” “How does it feel to be one of the most powerful men in the state?” she glares at him through her glasses. “When you’re fighting for a cause it feels great” he smiles at her letting his guard down. “I feel you could teach me so much” she reaches her hand out and begins to holds his hand slowly rubbing it. He begins to notice her palms were silky and sticky like a spider's web. He yanks his hand back. “What can I do to become the most powerful woman next to the most powerful man in the state?” she smiles at him flirtatiously, but behind it, Mulford could see a sinister grin. “I’m sorry, but you must leave,” he says to her as her demeanor changes. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like older, sophisticated, smart women?” she smiles at him as he feels something crawl on his back. “Oh, I know what you like” she smiles at him devilishly as he notices her teeth get sharper, as they become like fangs. “We can talk about this,” he said nervously as he reached for his gun in his drawer, but as he opens it he finds that it’s full of black widow spiders and pulls his hand back panicking only for him to look back up as Debbe leaps over the desk and grabs him. |
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