The Story...
"The goal is to inspire people no matter what..."
The story first began when he self-published his first novel, Heroes Volume 1, back in his senior year of high school in 2012. Since then, he has written and published numerous titles which include Evolutions of Darkness (2016), Into Darkness Short Stories (2017-Present), and his recent fiction work includes WayWard Hills: The Mind of Em (2020).
He is also a poet and lyric writer, Deon has written lyrics and poetry since he was young and recently started doing spoken word back in 2016. He debuted his first lyric collection I Guess This Is What Love Feels Like in 2015 which he followed up with Possibilities & Heartbreak Love Stories Vol.1 (2018). His other collections include The Dreamscape Confessions (2017), The Strength To Love You: Possibilities Vol. 2 (2019), and Ghost & Breath: Heartbreak Love Stories Vol.3 (2020). He plans to add to his collection with Peace & The Black Poet: Moonlight which is due for release in 2021.
In addition to being an author, he has hosted his own online radio show on Blog Talk Radio, been a panelist for Gamers & Nerds United, served as the creator, main host, and moderator for the Unscripted & Unsupervised Podcast, and is currently working on a new show title The Deon Durr Show.
Deon also has his own online apparel store called DeonDurrCreates on which he plans to expand in 2021.
The story first began when he self-published his first novel, Heroes Volume 1, back in his senior year of high school in 2012. Since then, he has written and published numerous titles which include Evolutions of Darkness (2016), Into Darkness Short Stories (2017-Present), and his recent fiction work includes WayWard Hills: The Mind of Em (2020).
He is also a poet and lyric writer, Deon has written lyrics and poetry since he was young and recently started doing spoken word back in 2016. He debuted his first lyric collection I Guess This Is What Love Feels Like in 2015 which he followed up with Possibilities & Heartbreak Love Stories Vol.1 (2018). His other collections include The Dreamscape Confessions (2017), The Strength To Love You: Possibilities Vol. 2 (2019), and Ghost & Breath: Heartbreak Love Stories Vol.3 (2020). He plans to add to his collection with Peace & The Black Poet: Moonlight which is due for release in 2021.
In addition to being an author, he has hosted his own online radio show on Blog Talk Radio, been a panelist for Gamers & Nerds United, served as the creator, main host, and moderator for the Unscripted & Unsupervised Podcast, and is currently working on a new show title The Deon Durr Show.
Deon also has his own online apparel store called DeonDurrCreates on which he plans to expand in 2021.